So I've only watched 3 episodes so far but my thoughts on Dragon Ball Z Kai: I'm liking it but it's strange in ways I wasn't expecting. Oh and I feel like the DVD transfer of the show doesn't look great but maybe that's the result of me watching the DVDs on a 4k TV? (The first DVD I've watched on my TV) Also, the intro theme is so great though it's a little annoying that the art in the intro never changes. There are a number of episodes right before the final tournament that didn't really need to exist and even the last batch of episodes post the final tournament felt really unnecessary.

I definitely have some issues with the show but I think it's mostly great and it has a ton of heart. Quick thoughts on the original Dragon Ball: it's great. I also watched DBZ during its original (and VERY long) Toonami run though I didn't really make the show appointment viewing for me until just a little bit before the start of the Buu saga. My history with the series prior to now is that I was actually one of the people here in the states who watched some Dragon Ball during it's very short stint on Fox Kids in the early 90s. So I just recently went through the entirety of Dragon Ball (didn't make a thread for that as one had already been made recently so I just commented there) and after finishing that I decided to dive into DBZ Kai.